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The following 韦德体育app官网 information is provided in accordance with PA 103 section 241a (4).

Michigan Public Act 103 of 2023 requires each public university to
maintain in a public transparency website available through a link on its website homepage.

The website required by the act shall include all of the following concerning the public university.

  1. The 年度经营预算
    1. A summary of current expenditures for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available, expressed as pie charts in the following 2 categories:
      1. A 人员支出表
      2. A 所有经常开支的图表
  2. Links to all of the following for the public university:
    1. The current collective bargaining agreement for each bargaining unit.
      1. 行政管理专业
      2. 校园维护 & Trades
      3. MI指挥军官协会
      4. 密歇根州警官协会
      5. 专业支援协会
      6. 教师合同
      7. AAUP 韦德体育app官网 Faculty Handbook
    2. 每个医疗福利计划, including, 但不限于, medical, dental, vision, 残疾, 长期护理, or any other type of benefits that would constitute health care services, offered to any bargaining unit or employee of the public university.
    3. 审计及财务报告 for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available.
  3. General fund revenue and expenditure projections for the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year.
  4. 的清单 所有偿债义务, 按项目分列, anticipated fiscal year payment for each project, and total outstanding debt for the current fiscal year.
  5. 韦德体育app官网’s policy regarding the transferability of core college courses between community colleges and the university.
    • 韦德体育app官网 participates in the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) and Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO) Articulation Agreement. Both agreements allow students to satisfy the university’s general education requirements at a Michigan community college except as noted below.
    • After transferring to 韦德体育app官网, students must complete a writing intensive course in the major and a capstone course. Students who have satisfied the MTA or MACRAO agreement must also either transfer in a course that is acceptable for the knowledge application (KA) requirement or take an approved KA course at OU after transferring. 根据MTA和MACRAO协议, students from participating Michigan public community colleges must present for review a transcript bearing the “MTA Satisfied” or “MACRAO Agreement Satisfied” designation.
  6. 的清单 all community colleges that have entered into 反向转让协议 在大学里.
    • 阿尔佩纳社区学院
    • 湾大学
    • 三角洲地区的大学
    • Glen Oaks Community College<
    • Gogebic社区学院
    • 大急流城社区学院
    • 亨利福特学院
    • 杰克逊的大学
    • 卡拉马祖山谷社区学院
    • 凯洛格社区学院
    • 科特兰社区学院
    • 密歇根湖学院
    • 兰辛社区学院
    • 麦库姆社区学院
    • Mid-Michigan大学
    • 门罗县社区学院
    • 蒙特卡姆社区学院
    • 莫特社区学院
    • 西北密歇根大学
    • 中北部密歇根大学
    • 奥克兰社区学院
    • Schoolcraft大学
    • 西南密歇根大学
    • St. 克莱尔县社区学院
    • 华盛顿社区学院
    • 韦恩县社区学院
    • 西海岸社区学院
  7. A 仪表板或成绩单 demonstrating the university’s performance in several “best practice” measures.
    1. By November 1 of each year, a public university shall report 以下信息 to the Center for Educational Performance and Information and post the information on its website under the budget transparency icon badge:
      1. Opportunities for earning college credit through the following programs:
        • State approved career and technical education or a tech prep articulated program of study.
        • Direct college credit or concurrent enrollment.
        • 双录取.
        • 早期大学/中等大学课程.
    2. For each program described in subdivision (a) that the public university offers, 以下所有信息:
      • The number of high school students participating in the program.
      • The number of school districts that participate in the program with the public university.
      • 无论是大学教授, qualified local school district employee, or other individual teaches the course or courses in the program.
      • The total cost to the public university to operate the program.
      • The cost per credit hour for the course or courses in the program.
      • The location where the course or courses in the program are held.
      • Instructional resources offered to the program instructors.
      • 资源 offered to the student in the program.
      • Transportation services provided to students in the program.
  8. 韦德体育app官网's report of the number and percentage of all enrolled students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid


韦德体育app官网 is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, 无论技术或能力. We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our website to conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA标准.

For more information on accessibility resources or to report an accessibility issue on the 韦德体育app官网 website, 请浏览 公众无障碍声明网页.

The Management and Budget Act, 1984 PA 431, Section 238, MCL 18.1238 requires biannual reporting of any self-funded projects that have a cost exceeding $1.0 million on the budget and performance transparency reporting section of the University’s website.

The January 2024 through June 2024 report is available here.